NFTs problem with interoperability

NFTs problem with interoperability

Imagine. You are a proud avant-gardist who invested the amount of a flight to an exotic country (a good as luxurious as three villas, these days) in a JPEG of an Elon Musk-themed “Moon Ticket” stored somewhere on the internet. The NTF wave rang at your...
The European blockchain for social good landscape

The European blockchain for social good landscape

The European Science Hub released the most comprehensive report existing about the status of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) for social and public good in Europe. The characteristics of 131 blockchain projects are reviewed with a statistical analysis and...
Prosume wins the Blockchains for Social Good Prize

Prosume wins the Blockchains for Social Good Prize

You know I am a blockchain-hype skeptic, but last year I had the chance to collaborate with a company active in the energy industry, Prosume, which makes reasonable use of blockchain. Its objective is facilitating the transition to renewables, as well as the prosumers...
Blockchain for journalism beyond the hype

Blockchain for journalism beyond the hype

The media sector is not exempt from the blockchain fascination: in constant seek of a monolith model that will “save the industry”, newsrooms are intrigued by blockchain promises of novel currencies and transparency. But just like a 30k € bike won’t make you a Tour de...
Blockchain alone won’t make the Internet decentralised

Blockchain alone won’t make the Internet decentralised

Main conclusions of the “A secure, decentralised Internet” session at the Next Generation Internet Forum 2018. Balancing blockchain, governance and business models for a fairer Internet. The session was led by Marta Arniani (futuribile / curating futures)...
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